This on-line video collection belongs to all wildwater athletes: all competitors, trainers, friends and relatives, are encouraged to send us their video clips (races, trainings, but also interviews, etc.), that will be edited and published in our video directory.

We accept files in all formats/extensions (AVI, MPG2, MPG4, WMF, VOB, MOD, 3GP and many others). Very big files can be sent in other ways (via Dropbox, FTP, via website Vimeo, shared directories on Messenger, CD/DVD via ordinary mail, etc.): contact us for every info. We will reply a.s.a.p.
Your footage will be selected and edited before being released on our pages. Author's name and email will be automatically published in video directories, unless some privacy-related requests are made.


We recommend you to use video-cameras (whose quality is, of course, much better than that of digital cameras and cellphones). Also, we suggest to use tripods (or at least a foothold) each time you can, in order to eliminate vibrations. Sport video makers frequently use zoom: do not abuse. Avoid using "digital zoom": image quality will get worse.
We encourage the use of the widespread, not expensive, waterproof mini-cameras, to be placed on your helmet or on the boat.


(click on the image to enlarge)


For further information click here:

